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How do I cancel an order?

How do I cancel an order?

Log into your FormulaMod account, then click "My Orders''.You can see whether the order status has been paid.

How do I cancel an order?

(i) Cancel an unpaid order(Wait For Payment):

1.Click "Order number" which is unpaid, you want to cancel.

2.Leave a message with order number and reasons by clicking "Ask" button.

3.We will deal with it as soon as possible.

How do I cancel an order?How do I cancel an order?

(ii) Cancel a paid order(Wait For Shipping):

The Same way as "Cancel a unpaid order(Wait For Payment)" or find "Online Help" if it is urgent, we will make arrangements as soon as possible. 

1.Click "Order number" which is paid, you want to cancel.

2.Leave a message with order number and reasons by clicking "Ask" button.

3.We will deal with it as soon as possible.

Please note that once the order is shipped out, it is unable to be canceled. 

How do I cancel an order?