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How to Build Cheap Custom Loops

How to Build Cheap Custom Loops

  • Monday, 01 November 2021
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How to Build Cheap Custom Loops

One of the hottest trend in water cooling systems these days is the installation of a cheap custom loop. Although this is a fairly new technology and is still relatively expensive compared to stock fans, it does provide substantial savings for the consumer. The reason that custom loop cooling systems are becoming more popular is the lower price per unit of air cooling and heatsink which also translates into lower prices per unit of processor coolers. Therefore, if your budget is small, you should seriously consider upgrading to one of these units.

So what exactly is a custom loop? It is basically a closed loop, which means there is a second heat sink which carries out the same function as the original heat sink. This is very beneficial because a lot of space is wasted when using a regular CPU block/shunt as there isn't any room for a backplate. When using a closed loop, the back plate of the heat sink is left free so the block can be installed directly to the CPU or motherboard.

You can find cheap custom loops from many different places on the internet but it is always advisable to do some research before deciding to buy. Make sure that you know exactly what you want before you go shopping because sometimes the price of the cheap custom loop varies from what you were initially told. Always ask for photos of previous products if you are unsure of what you want; this will help you narrow down your choices. Some of the companies that supply cheap custom loops online are able to offer you extremely competitive prices which are great for people on tight budgets.

So what can you do with a custom loop? Well, if you want to reduce the size of your water cooling fan, you could install a couple of cheap fans in the loop and this would take up very little room. A custom loop costs just a few dollars but you will have it for a very long time. You will probably only ever need to change out the lighting in the box once or twice a year, depending on how much you use the equipment.

Another way that a cheap custom loop can be used is for computer sound cards. Many times the fan is located too close to the edge of the motherboard. By putting it in a cheap custom loop, it will be much easier to clean. Also, most of the time these are sold with the right sized holes drilled in them, meaning that you can drill them yourself to save even more money. If you want to use a Pcb to put it in, all you need to do is take off the old wiring. Then add the new wiring and attach a plate to hold it in place.

Don't let the word 'cheap' stop you from getting a great idea for your next custom loop. They are relatively cheap and are usually quite effective at reducing the noise that your computer creates while it is running. Just remember that you may have to replace some of them now and then, but they are usually well worth the extra cost. You can find many different styles on the Internet, so take a look around to see what you can find!

Tags:quality custom loop

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